Marine wildlife tourism is one way to reconnect with the ocean and its animals, which has become a need for people, particularly those from urban areas. Media have widely influenced the public understanding of wildlife and nature in general. However, this source of information comes with a twist, as media representation of wildlife tourism in documentaries or images portraying wildlife and people in social media may also give false, idealised impressions of the wildlife experience.
An integral part of sustainable wildlife-watching activities are operators who act responsibly. You may come across tours that are advertised as “ecotourism”, “eco-adventure” or similar. While ecotourism is a subsector of natural area tourism, tourism ventures that are promoted as such need to follow strict principles, such as community involvement, a low impact on the environment or an added component of environmental education. Unfortunately, not all tour operators who claim to offer ecotourism are following these rules. “Greenwashing” is a widespread issue in tourism.