What is the smell of rain?
You can tell when rain is coming just by the smell
The word for it is “petrichor.” It’s the name of an oil that’s...
A great white shark can go through 20 000 razor sharp teeth in one...
When this predator comes for you, you don't see the shark, you just see two-inch triangular teeth. For decades this ancient hunting machine...
Humpback Whale flippers solve helicopter air flow problems
We've all seen movies of humpback whales playing in the sea. The most obvious feature is a nice symmetrical tail slapping the water...
Beacons of Light on the Cape Whale Coast
Burning upon some hidden shore across the sea one night, A little reef, the captain said, he saw a shining light. He said...
Barnacles – Bravehearts of the surfzone
Billions upon billions of attached animals like barnacles, mussels and oysters owe their very lives to the sweep of the tides for the...
Marine Tourism
What’s the strongest material produced by animals?
Animals can produce incredibly strong substances - so who makes the toughest?
Spider silk, long the strongest known biological material, was recently knocked off...
Menopausal Moms: A Mammal Mystery
Ocean-going mothers everywhere deserves a special salute.They give birth well into their twilight years while human females call it quits 40 years earlier.In...
Fryer’s Cove wines… sipping the sea on the West Coast
Tasting the wine..On the waterfront in a derelict old crayfish factory right at the seaside in the bay, you will find a tiny...
Abalone- mollusk we will soon only see on a postcard
The South African abalone, Haliotis midae, is one of the largest molluscs on earth, attaining a weight of nearly 2kg and a ripe...
Kitchen secrets of Ancient Mariner Cooks
The most reliable ships in the world in the 14th and early 15th century, and by far the biggest, were the Chinese junks.