What is the smell of rain?
You can tell when rain is coming just by the smell
The word for it is “petrichor.” It’s the name of an oil that’s...
Billions of Blue Jellyfish Wash Up on American Beaches during 2015
The animals known as "by-the-wind sailors" stay out on the open ocean—until the winds change
In recent weeks, about a billion jellyfish-like "purple sailors"...
A great white shark can go through 20 000 razor sharp teeth in one...
When this predator comes for you, you don't see the shark, you just see two-inch triangular teeth. For decades this ancient hunting machine...
Can white sharks see in murky water?
A shark's eyes are almost on completely different sides of its head, so the shark has a nearly 360-degree field of Vision. However, they have...
The Argonaut or the Paper Nautilus.
Amongst tidal debris there sometimes appears a thin papery shell, bearing on its white surface a ribbed pattern like that which shore currents...
Marine Tourism
Where did the Gansbaai sharks go?
Gansbaai is one of three great white shark cage diving hotspots in the world and the only location with all year round shark...
Fryer’s Cove wines… sipping the sea on the West Coast
Tasting the wine..On the waterfront in a derelict old crayfish factory right at the seaside in the bay, you will find a tiny...
Clouds that look like ocean waves. What is it?
Van Gogh clouds! Like breaking ocean waves.
They are called Kelvin Helmholzt clouds, aka billow clouds or shear-gravity clouds
It’s widely...
Iconic breaching is not the only way white sharks hunt for their prey
A Dyer Island Conservation Study in Gansbaai Sheds Light on Great White Hunting Behavior
When we think of great white hunting behaviors, the iconic...
Beached dead whales can alter the ocean’s carbon footprint
Decades of whaling and fishing for the largest species have altered the ability of oceans to store and sequester carbon.
An individual whale contains...