The Great Benguela Current
Ocean Currents
The sea is subject to the transport of enormous masses of water moving continuously in one set direction. These large ‘rivers’ of...
Humpback Whale flippers solve helicopter air flow problems
We've all seen movies of humpback whales playing in the sea. The most obvious feature is a nice symmetrical tail slapping the water...
Sharks have cavity-proof teeth
Shark teeth are covered in fluoride, making them cavity-resistant. One 2012 study published in the Journal of Structural Biology found that sharks' enamel...
Mussel matchmaking and the glue that holds them
New research shows how mussels find the perfect match. For mussels, fertilization occurs between eggs and sperm that have been released into the...
Elusive leopard kill 33 penguins at Stony Point
Betties Bays’ elusive but well-loved leopard created havoc at the African penguin colony at Stony Point last week. Social media buzzed with excitement...
Marine Tourism
Beacons of Light on the Cape Whale Coast
Burning upon some hidden shore across the sea one night, A little reef, the captain said, he saw a shining light. He said...
Whales and Dolphins are thriving in Kenyan waters
Following my interview with Dr Gill Braulik of the Wildlife Conservation Society Tanzania Programme, I set out to find out what happens in...
5 Symbiotic marine relationships
We all have to get along with our neighbors. It’s just the way things are, if you want to enjoy a peaceful existence....
Red Tide, Blue Tide: Bioluminescence in the Ocean
Red tides, which often contain harmful algal blooms , are caused by chemical reactions that occur between algae and other substances.
Red by day, blue...
The Argonaut or the Paper Nautilus.
Amongst tidal debris there sometimes appears a thin papery shell, bearing on its white surface a ribbed pattern like that which shore currents...