Barnacles – Bravehearts of the surfzone
Billions upon billions of attached animals like barnacles, mussels and oysters owe their very lives to the sweep of the tides for the...
Waaygat whaling station at Stony Point
Early History of the farm Waaygat
The land on which the whaling station was established originally formed part of the farm Waaygat. Historically and...
The humble animal who saves the most human lives
Credit for ‘most lives saved’ must go to the Atlantic horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus.
The American Horseshoe Crab is a unique and valuable marine...
Sharks have cavity-proof teeth
Shark teeth are covered in fluoride, making them cavity-resistant. One 2012 study published in the Journal of Structural Biology found that sharks' enamel...
Why do stars twinkle ?
Stars twinkle. Planets shine steadily. Why?
Stars twinkle (scintillate) because they’re so far away from Earth that, even through large telescopes, they appear only...
Marine Wildlife
Marine Tourism
Iconic breaching is not the only way white sharks hunt for their prey
A Dyer Island Conservation Study in Gansbaai Sheds Light on Great White Hunting Behavior
When we think of great white hunting behaviors, the iconic...
What’s the strongest material produced by animals?
Animals can produce incredibly strong substances - so who makes the toughest?
Spider silk, long the strongest known biological material, was recently knocked off...
The Argonaut or the Paper Nautilus.
Amongst tidal debris there sometimes appears a thin papery shell, bearing on its white surface a ribbed pattern like that which shore currents...
Menopausal Moms: A Mammal Mystery
Ocean-going mothers everywhere deserves a special salute.They give birth well into their twilight years while human females call it quits 40 years earlier.In...
What is the smell of rain?
You can tell when rain is coming just by the smell
The word for it is “petrichor.” It’s the name of an oil that’s...