Why do stars twinkle ?
Stars twinkle. Planets shine steadily. Why?
Stars twinkle (scintillate) because they’re so far away from Earth that, even through large telescopes, they appear only...
The Great Benguela Current
Ocean Currents
The sea is subject to the transport of enormous masses of water moving continuously in one set direction. These large ‘rivers’ of...
Beacons of Light on the Cape Whale Coast
Burning upon some hidden shore across the sea one night, A little reef, the captain said, he saw a shining light. He said...
Cone Snail Venom Could Inspire Fast-Acting Insulin For Diabetes
Forget slow and steady. For the cone snail, it’s fast-acting chemistry that wins the race. Researchers have now shed light on the structure...
Kitchen secrets of Ancient Mariner Cooks
The most reliable ships in the world in the 14th and early 15th century, and by far the biggest, were the Chinese junks.
Marine Tourism
Dead fin whale hit by cruise ship spotted in Vancouver’s harbour
Fisheries officials are investigating a dead fin whale that's floating near the port in Vancouver
CBC News Posted: May 11, 2015 8:45 AM PT
Whales and Dolphins are thriving in Kenyan waters
Following my interview with Dr Gill Braulik of the Wildlife Conservation Society Tanzania Programme, I set out to find out what happens in...
#GreenXmas @intheOverberg
We are grateful to the champions @intheoverberg @WWFSouthAfrica @GoSocialSA @GoToSouthAfrica @ShotLeft who created a twitter #chat platform on 25 November where we could share...
Fryer’s Cove wines… sipping the sea on the West Coast
Tasting the wine..On the waterfront in a derelict old crayfish factory right at the seaside in the bay, you will find a tiny...
Elusive leopard kill 33 penguins at Stony Point
Betties Bays’ elusive but well-loved leopard created havoc at the African penguin colony at Stony Point last week. Social media buzzed with excitement...