Teeth or bristles
Cetaceans divide into two groups in the manner they catch their food using teeth or bristles
Most cetaceans have triangular teeth and feed on...
Cone Snail Venom Could Inspire Fast-Acting Insulin For Diabetes
Forget slow and steady. For the cone snail, it’s fast-acting chemistry that wins the race. Researchers have now shed light on the structure...
Why do stars twinkle ?
Stars twinkle. Planets shine steadily. Why?
Stars twinkle (scintillate) because they’re so far away from Earth that, even through large telescopes, they appear only...
Joanna- the earliest English shipwreck on the Cape coast
The Johanna was the first English East Indiaman to be wrecked on the South African coastline. She was an English East Indiaman of...
Beached dead whales can alter the ocean’s carbon footprint
Decades of whaling and fishing for the largest species have altered the ability of oceans to store and sequester carbon.
An individual whale contains...
Marine Tourism
Where did the Gansbaai sharks go?
Gansbaai is one of three great white shark cage diving hotspots in the world and the only location with all year round shark...
Is Climate Change Ruining Wine Corks?
Wine lovers might treasure the oaky, full-bodied taste of a cabernet sauvignon or the light and fruity aroma of a pinot grigio. But...
Kitchen secrets of Ancient Mariner Cooks
The most reliable ships in the world in the 14th and early 15th century, and by far the biggest, were the Chinese junks.
The Great Benguela Current
Ocean Currents
The sea is subject to the transport of enormous masses of water moving continuously in one set direction. These large ‘rivers’ of...
Barnacles – Bravehearts of the surfzone
Billions upon billions of attached animals like barnacles, mussels and oysters owe their very lives to the sweep of the tides for the...