Waaygat whaling station at Stony Point
Early History of the farm Waaygat
The land on which the whaling station was established originally formed part of the farm Waaygat. Historically and...
Why do stars twinkle ?
Stars twinkle. Planets shine steadily. Why?
Stars twinkle (scintillate) because they’re so far away from Earth that, even through large telescopes, they appear only...
Is Climate Change Ruining Wine Corks?
Wine lovers might treasure the oaky, full-bodied taste of a cabernet sauvignon or the light and fruity aroma of a pinot grigio. But...
Dead fin whale hit by cruise ship spotted in Vancouver’s harbour
Fisheries officials are investigating a dead fin whale that's floating near the port in Vancouver
CBC News Posted: May 11, 2015 8:45 AM PT
Marine Tourism
Shipwrecked French Champagne – Revealing tastes from the past
Scientists say that 170-year old champagne found on a shipwreck at the bottom of the Baltic Sea actually tasted pretty good. The French...
Joanna- the earliest English shipwreck on the Cape coast
The Johanna was the first English East Indiaman to be wrecked on the South African coastline. She was an English East Indiaman of...
#GreenXmas @intheOverberg
We are grateful to the champions @intheoverberg @WWFSouthAfrica @GoSocialSA @GoToSouthAfrica @ShotLeft who created a twitter #chat platform on 25 November where we could share...
Fryer’s Cove wines… sipping the sea on the West Coast
Tasting the wine..On the waterfront in a derelict old crayfish factory right at the seaside in the bay, you will find a tiny...
Red Tide, Blue Tide: Bioluminescence in the Ocean
Red tides, which often contain harmful algal blooms , are caused by chemical reactions that occur between algae and other substances.
Red by day, blue...